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Mount Ararat Trek
The earliest mountain ascent in the world of which any record has been preserved is the ascent of Mt. Ararat by the Patriarch Noah. Mt. Ararat is located in eastern Turkey near the Russian and Iranian borders. As the crow flies, it is about 250 km. East of Erzurum, 130 km. Southeast of Kars and 160 km. Noth of Van. Mt. Ararat is a magnificent sprawling dome whose snow-covered summit is 5165m. Above sea level. Most Christians believe it is the site where Noah’s Ark came to rest after the “Great Flood”. A climb of Mt. Ararat is a tough walk ( non-technical but requiring a good deal of staminal). The upper third of the volcano is covered in snow and the last hundred meters to the summit is icy. Mount Ararat Trek.
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You will be met by airport representatives who will transfer you to Male before going to the waterfront to meet our boat captain and crew. Once settled into our cabins, we will depart. Cruise south for 2-3 hours through the Vaadhoo Canal to a nearby island in South Malé Atoll; probably Guraidhoo, a small inhabited island where the plan is to moor in (or just outside) the small harbour for the first night on board.

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